Lattuada NA ensures that every customer is served quickly, timely, carefully and politely.
All orders are considered as priorities and are processed on an “As Soon As Possible” basis.
the order is created together with the customer.
The dialogue with the advisor is direct and continuous.
The offer is clear and unambiguous.
Lattuada NA ensures the customers' full satisfaction with their purchase. The advisor follows the order up on a regular basis to make sure everything is running smoothly, and always makes himself available for new requests.
the customer is involved in planning visits to its premises at regular intervals, to check that the Lattuada machines are properly operating.
in case of fault notifications from customers, two levels of response are provided for:
the Lattuada NA engineers receive the ticket
and find a solution online, using a dedicated
WhatsApp Business number to communicate.
Whenever necessary, they operate supported by AR.
if the fault cannot be cleared remotely,
the Lattuada NA experts are ready to leave without delay.
the Lattuada NA engineers are also qualified trainers in case of:
at the time of set-up, when those who will have to operate
the machine need to be specifically trained.
when new recruits need support to acquire
the knowledge necessary to perform theire tasks.
when the customers request new features to be installed in their machine and this involves major changes as compared to the previous version.